Warning: there is no package called 'RODBC'
Warning: there is no package called 'gridExtra'

Data for a single person

ds <- read.table(header = TRUE, text ="
obs  id year attend
1  47 2000      4
2  47 2001      5
3  47 2002      6
4  47 2003      7
5  47 2004      6
6  47 2005      5
7  47 2006      4
8  47 2007      3
9  47 2008      2
10 47 2009      1
11 47 2010      2
12 47 2011      3

ds<- ds %>% dplyr::mutate(time=year-2000)
   obs id year attend time
1    1 47 2000      4    0
2    2 47 2001      5    1
3    3 47 2002      6    2
4    4 47 2003      7    3
5    5 47 2004      6    4
6    6 47 2005      5    5
7    7 47 2006      4    6
8    8 47 2007      3    7
9    9 47 2008      2    8
10  10 47 2009      1    9
11  11 47 2010      2   10
12  12 47 2011      3   11

Let’s define a visual theme to keep graphs sharp, but consistent

plotTheme <- ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(title=ggplot2::element_text(colour="gray20",size = 12)) +
ggplot2::theme(panel.border = ggplot2::element_rect(colour="gray80"))+
ggplot2::theme(axis.ticks.length = grid::unit(0, "cm"))
p<-ggplot(ds, aes(x=time,y=attend, color=idF))
p<-p+ geom_line(color="purple",linetype=2, size=.5)
# p<-p+ geom_smooth(method=lm,stat="identity", color="purple")
p<-p+ geom_point(color="grey", size=2)
p<-p+ scale_y_continuous("Church attendance",
                     limits=c(0, 8),
p<-p+ scale_x_continuous("Years since 2000",
# annotations
p<-p+ labs(title=paste0("In the past year, how often have you attended a worship service?"))
p<- p + guides(color=guide_legend) 
# themes
p <- p + plotTheme

plot of chunk c4

add a straight line to represent possible predition line, in this case a straight line

linear<- predict(lm(attend ~ time, ds))
ds<- ds %>% dplyr::mutate(linear=linear)
   obs id year attend time linear
1    1 47 2000      4    0  6.077
2    2 47 2001      5    1  5.699
3    3 47 2002      6    2  5.322
4    4 47 2003      7    3  4.944
5    5 47 2004      6    4  4.566
6    6 47 2005      5    5  4.189
7    7 47 2006      4    6  3.811
8    8 47 2007      3    7  3.434
9    9 47 2008      2    8  3.056
10  10 47 2009      1    9  2.678
11  11 47 2010      2   10  2.301
12  12 47 2011      3   11  1.923
p<-p+ geom_line(aes(y=linear),color="red", size=.5)

plot of chunk c5 Or adding the curvarture the quadratic term

quadratic<- predict(lm(attend ~ poly(time,2),ds))
ds<- ds %>% mutate(quadratic=quadratic)
   obs id year attend time linear quadratic
1    1 47 2000      4    0  6.077     5.335
2    2 47 2001      5    1  5.699     5.362
3    3 47 2002      6    2  5.322     5.308
4    4 47 2003      7    3  4.944     5.173
5    5 47 2004      6    4  4.566     4.958
6    6 47 2005      5    5  4.189     4.661
7    7 47 2006      4    6  3.811     4.283
8    8 47 2007      3    7  3.434     3.825
9    9 47 2008      2    8  3.056     3.285
10  10 47 2009      1    9  2.678     2.665
11  11 47 2010      2   10  2.301     1.964
12  12 47 2011      3   11  1.923     1.181
p<-p+ geom_line(aes(y=quadratic),color="blue", size=.5)

plot of chunk c6

# p<-p+ geom_line(aes(y=cubic),color="green", size=.5)

or the cubic term

cubic<- predict(lm(attend ~ poly(time,3),ds))
ds<- ds %>% mutate( cubic=cubic)
   obs id year attend time linear quadratic cubic
1    1 47 2000      4    0  6.077     5.335 3.604
2    2 47 2001      5    1  5.699     5.362 5.519
3    3 47 2002      6    2  5.322     5.308 6.410
4    4 47 2003      7    3  4.944     5.173 6.485
5    5 47 2004      6    4  4.566     4.958 5.954
6    6 47 2005      5    5  4.189     4.661 5.028
7    7 47 2006      4    6  3.811     4.283 3.916
8    8 47 2007      3    7  3.434     3.825 2.828
9    9 47 2008      2    8  3.056     3.285 1.974
10  10 47 2009      1    9  2.678     2.665 1.563
11  11 47 2010      2   10  2.301     1.964 1.806
12  12 47 2011      3   11  1.923     1.181 2.912
p<-p+ geom_line(aes(y=cubic),color="green", size=.5)

plot of chunk c7